Friday, January 4, 2019

Harem, Topkapi Turkey

Istana Topkapi dengan HAREM di Istanbul pastinya merupakan salah satu acara utama. Istana ini digunakan sebagai kediaman Sultan Uthmaniyyah antara abad ke-15 dan ke-19. Mereka berkongsi istana dengan keluarganya, hamba, gundik dan sida(eunuch) yang menjadi pengawal Harem. Topkapi sangat besar dan mengandungi 4 halaman utama dengan taman yang indah, dapur yang besar, masjid, hospital, banyak pavilion(astaka, balairung) dan Harem. Harem adalah bahagian yang paling Indah.
Jika anda ingin melawat Istana Topkapi, saya cadangkan pergi ke sana lebih awal. Sebaik sahaja anda masuk dan berjalan ke bahagian halaman Kedua, belok kiri ke Harem. Bangunan ini sangat mudah dikenali menerusi Menara Keadilan (Tower of Justic) Betul dibawahnya, anda akan dapati pintu masuk Harem.
Sebaik sahaja anda masuk ke dalam, anda akan melihat keindahan mozek, jubin berwarna warni. Semakin anda meneruskan berjalan masuk, semakin terpegun. Penggunaan warna, tingkap kaca berwarna, Ayat2 Al-Quran dalam marmar dan emas, ... semuanya sempurna.
Bilik yang paling mengagumkan ialah Chambers of the Crown Prince dan Imperial Hall. Di sini anda akan dapati Arasy Sultan. Tetapi juga ruang Privy Murad III, sungguh Indah. Ia juga mempunyai air pancutan.
Di luar harem banyak astaka (balairung) yang indah dapat ditemui, semuanya dengan tujuan mereka sendiri seperti bilik sunat, Astaka sofa, Dan bnyk lagi Astaka.
Bila berada di Turki, jangan lupa singgah ke Topkapi & Harem. Istana ini dibuka setiap hari, kecuali hari Selasa, dari jam 9 pagi - pukul 6.45 malam. Harga tiket murah (hanya 30 TL untuk kedua-dua istana dan Harem. Harga semasa Zah kesana pd April 2015).

**HAREM: kawasan bilik2 khas utk isteri-isteri, gundik raja, keluarga Dan sida(eunuch) pengawal Harem, Lelaki tidak dibenarkan masuk kecuali yg bolih dipercayai dan yang sudah di MANDULKAN, biasa ya betkhidmat di istana bahagian kediaman wanita.

Topkapi Palace with HAREM in Istanbul is definitely one of the main events. The palace is used as the residence of the Ottoman Sultan between the 15th and 19th centuries. They share the palace with their families, wives, servants, mistresses and eunuchs who are guards of Harem. Topkapi is very large and contains 4 main courtyards with beautiful gardens, large kitchens, mosques, hospitals, lots of pavilions and harem. Harem is the most beautiful part.
If you want to visit Topkapi Palace, I recommend going there early. Once you enter and walk to Second section, turn left into Harem. The building is very easily recognizable through the Tower of Justice, just below it, you will find the entrance of Harem.
Once you get inside you will see the beauty of mosaics, colorful tiles. The more you continue to walk in, the more stunned. The use of colors, stained glass windows, Quranic verses in marble and gold, ... are all perfect.
The most impressive rooms are Chambers of the Crown Prince and Imperial Hall. Here you will find the Sultan's Throne, also Privy Murad III room, really Beautiful. It also has a fountain.
Outside the harem many lovely pavilions can be found, all for their own purposes such as circumcision room, sofa pavilions , And more. .
When in Turkey, do not forget to stop over to Topkapi & Harem. The palace is open daily, except Tuesday, from 9am - 6.45pm. Cheap ticket prices (only 30 TL for both palaces and Harem. The current price when I visited in April 2015).

** HAREM: Special room area for wives, king's concubines, family and eunuch (Harem guards), Men are not allowed except those who are trusted and who are in the , sterlize, usually serving in the palace of the women's residence.

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