Thursday, September 8, 2011


This recepi had been in my folder for quiet sometime. I'll like o share with you.
Hope you like it..,  originally from my kitchen.
 Recepi in English and Malay.

RENDANG KARI from my kitchen
1 ekor ayam
2 helai daun kunyit dihiris halus
3 helai daun limau purut dihiris halus
2 keping asam glugor
3 sudu makan penuh rempah kari daging
3 sudu makan lada kisar
800 ml santan daripd 1 kotak kara
3 sudu makan madu
setengah biji kelapa dibuat kerisik

Bahan kisar:
2 biji bawang besar
3 biji bawang putih
2" halia
1" kunyit
3 biji buah keras

Bahan tumis:
4 biji bawang merah dihiris
2 biji bawang putih
1-2 pelepah daun kari
1 batang kayu manis
1 bunga lawang
3 buah pelaga
5 cengkih

Panaskan minyak..tumis bahan tumis hingga wangi baunya. Masukkan bahan kisar berserta lada kisar juga rempah kari.
Masak biar ayamnya tiga suku empok lalu masukkan santan, madu dan asam glugo. Masak biar agak kering

KARI RENDANG from my kitchen
1 chicken
2 sliced yellow leaves (tumeric leave)
3 kaffir lime leaves finely sliced
2 pieces dry tamarind
3 tablespoons full of meat curry
3 tablespoons ground dried chilli paste
800 ml coconut milk (squeeze from 1 coconut with water add)
3 tablespoons honey
half coconut.. fry till brown, ground it using dry blender

Ground items:
2 large onion
3 cloves garlic
2 "ginger
1 "turmeric
3 pieces candle nut

Saute ingredient:
4 red onion, sliced
2 cloves garlic
1-2 curry leaf
1 stick cinnamon
1 star anise
3 cardamom pods
5 cloves

Heat oil and fry .. saute ingredient until fragrant , add in ground items, curry paste, chilli paste.
Let the chicken Three-quarters cooked, add coconut milk, honey and dried tamarind. Continue cook till the gravy alittle bit thick

translaed by Azizah@cutemamadelicacies

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